Lessons From Creating an Online Outreach Empire from Craig McClain

 I delivered a preliminary talk on the opening night of ScienceOnline Oceans.  I am extremely flattered by the invitation and the enthusiastic reception to my talk.  Many asked me to post my slides online but I felt I needed to go a step further to provide more discussion, links, and points that an 10 minute presentation allowed.

1. I come from ocean outreach from a perspective that is much different from others.  I am first and foremost a scientist.  One that completely believes in research but equally in outreach.  I am scientist communicator. I also come from the perspective of building, with the help of many others, Deep-Sea News over the last 8 years.  In these years we have had many failures and successes.  I believe we have reached success.  Our community is amazing. Our hit rate reached 1 million last year and is expected to increase well over 2 million this year.  There is no indication that our popularity is tapering off.

2. Be Strategic. Be Deliberate. Coming from the perspective of a scientist, I often worry about finding time to do this.  I also want to do this effectively. We have to be more deliberate and strategic in the way we approach outreach online.   Otherwise we are wasting time….

Read more at Deep-Sea News